When I saw this ad, my first reaction was a simple, emotional response to the raw, human editing style. 当我看到这则广告时,它手法简朴、人性化的剪辑风格给我的第一反应是单纯的感动。
When moving from clip to clip, stick to simple jump cuts and dissolves, rather than the dozens of tacky special-effect transitions built into editing packages today. 在片断之间切换时,最好是运用简单的跳越剪辑和淡出效果,而不要用如今的编辑工具包里设置的数十种俗不可耐的特效转换。
Improvements are on the horizon for myfamily. com, including person-to-person chatting through the site, simple photo editing and the ability to create hyperlinks in posts. 即将对网站进行改造,包括增加站内一对一聊天、简单照片编辑、在发布内容中创建超级链接等功能。
You could easily expand this simple example from here to add the editing of players, the sorting of the grid, or you can even add more data like games and results. 您可以轻松扩展此处的简单示例,如添加球员编辑功能,对grid排序,甚至可以加入更多的数据,如比赛和结果。
GStreamer is a library that allows the construction of graphs of media-handling components, ranging from simple Ogg/ Vorbis playback to complex audio ( mixing) and video ( non-linear editing) processing. GStreamer是一个库,允许构造媒体处理组件图,包括简单Ogg/Vorbis回放和复杂音频(混合)和视频(非线性编辑)处理。
This article demonstrated the concept with many simple text editing one-liners using three of the most ubiquitous of editing tools: cat, ed, and sed. 本文使用三个普遍存在的编辑工具,通过许多简单文本编辑单命令行程序阐述了这一概念:cat、ed和sed。
When editing an XPath expression, the content assist will contain a menu item called "Insert Simple XPath" expression. 在编辑XPath表达式时,内容帮助将包含一个名为“InsertSimpleXPath”表达式的菜单项。
Enabling the bsh queue is a simple process that requires editing the queue configuration file/ etc/ qconfig. 启用bsh队列很简单,只需编辑队列配置文件/etc/qconfig。
For links to all the code implemented in this article, together with a simple SOAP client that you can use to try adding, editing, deleting and retrieving products, see Downloads. 本文所实现的所有代码的链接,以及您可用于添加、编辑、删除和查询产品的一个简单SOAP客户端,请参见下载部分。
You'll see a simple editor that accepts Emacs-like editing options. 您将会看到一个建议编辑器,它接受类似Emacs的编辑选项。
For most simple changes you can probably get away with editing the XSL using a text editor, but for bigger work you probably will want to use an XSL debugger. 对于大多数简单的改动,你大概可以侥幸地使用文本编辑器编辑XSL,但是对于大型的工作,你大概就需要使用XSL调试器了。
The HTML editor is quite simple, consisting of a text area and several menus for opening, saving, and editing HTML documents. HTML编辑器很简单,包含一个文本区域和若干用于打开、保存和编辑HTML文档的菜单。
Reordering GIMP's menus is a simple matter of editing an XML file. 重新排列GIMP的菜单很简单,只需编辑一个XML文件。
Just the simple fact that I was able to breeze through these books indicates the serious amount of editing needed by these pieces of literary dogshit. 简而言之吧,我在这么短的时间里能这么轻松的看这么多书说明了个问题,这些文学垃圾还不是一般的俗啊。
In this example, we only provide simple editing facilities, so we need never emit this signal. 在这个例子中,我们只提供简单的编辑功能,所以我们不需要发出这个信号。
What it does provide is a simple interface to a free website that provides users with 2GB of online storage space, limited but impressive image editing, and basic photo sharing. 它提供的是一个简单的免费网站界面,为用户提供2gb的互联网存储空间,有限但令人印象深刻的编辑功能和基本的图片共享。
Training is the key to collate and translate the German side, as well as documents sent to assist the director of the simple day-to-day document editing and finishing. 实习期主要工作是整理和翻译德国方面发来的文件以及协助主任进行简单的日常文件的编辑和整理。
A simple way to realize full& screen data editing 实现全屏幕编辑的一个简略方法
The Simple Editing Method of Teaching Telefilm 教学电视片的简易合成编辑法
The systemic design theory and method of unbounded partial prestressed concrete bridge with simple hollow board beam is founded in this paper, which can perfect the design theory of UPPC bridge and provide benefit reference for editing the road and bridge criterion. 建立了系统的无粘结部分预应力混凝土简支空心板梁桥设计理论和方法,有助于UPPC梁桥设计理论的完善及发展,并为公桥规的修订和完善提供有益的参考。
The paper introduces the basic concept, structure and function of Microsoft Word EQ domain firstly. Then a method of editing chemical documents, such as reaction equation and formation of simple chemicals editing, using EQ domain in details is presented. 作者首先介绍了MicrosoftWORD域的基本概念、组成和功能,然后详细讨论了利用EQ域在编辑化学反应方程式、简单化合物结构的方法,并给出了具体实例。
The courseware uses most simple making way like blanks editing and direct importing in the software. The courseware play mainly relies on Flash which makes the operation simple, convenient and clear. 软件中,课件制作采用填空编辑和直接导入等最简单的制作方式,课件播放主要以Flash为依托,使操作简洁、制作方便、页面清晰。
Information management capabilities of the system is simple, users and managers need a professional tool to edit a page, it is easy to grasp the release of information, modification and editing operations. 本系统的信息管理功能操作简便,用户和管理人员无需用专业的工具软件对网页进行编辑,很容易就能掌握信息的发布、修改和编辑等操作。
With the development of computer technology, video producing which only can be done by TV station becomes simple and easy-used because of the generating of video editing tools. 随着科技的日益发达,曾经只有电视台才能完成的视频制作因为各类视频剪辑工具的产生而变得简单且易于使用。
The operation of the video editing software is very simple and the effect is significant. The person without a rich experience in video codec and video editing can also do it. 这些视频编辑软件操作简单,效果显著,普通人即使没有良好的视频编解码基础和丰富的视频编辑经验也可以通过自学掌握。